
That Persistent Memory 27"x35"

Patterson’s work is...
very important and extremely poignant for the times we live in and for future generations. Her body of work not only chronicles her life, but the world that we all live in. Her gift for teaching is truly mastered through an innate ability to exacerbate the coldness of the world around her while illustrating the beauty of the soul.” -Tim Serviss- Artist
“It’s rare that I comment on one of the artists I work with, but I have to say Valerie Patterson is one of the most prolific and powerful artists that I have worked with in a career that goes back four decades.” Bob Hogge Artist and former owner of Monkdogz Urban Art, NYC
“Valerie Patterson stands out among her peers as an artist who expresses an acute sensitivity to the human condition with unerring poignancy and technical prowess.” - Renee Phillips - Manhattan Arts Int.
“The commentary, the vibrancy and the skill! There’s no one like you Valerie!” -Marina Irwin Hadley - Monkdogz Urban Art NYC
“Valerie Patterson says what we all know to be true in our souls. Her contribution to all, is what many of us think and it is a profound statement that feels to be on the tip of our tongues. She is the mind of today and I will say it loudly.” - Kathy Ostman-Magnusen - Artist